Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still in Foulmouth

This blogging stuff is harder than I thought. I think of things all day that I want to say but then I get to the computer and forget everything...or just can't put it all into words. I need a little camera to follow me around all day or something. No wait...that'd be boring! I also need to learn how all this stuff actually works so I can add pictures and make it all look pretty. I'm sure I'll get to that some day but for now you're all stuck with just words. Anyway, on to today...

I woke up early this morning and braved the campsite showers. It actually wasn't that bad at all except that I forgot to take a towel with me. Had to drip dry but I survived. My plan from there had been to head out to the ferry to go to Martha's Vineyard. But as I started to get ready I just didn't have the energy or desire to do much of anything. It was a beautiful day and all I really felt like doing was hanging out and reading a book. So that's what I did. And it was wonderful. Some days you just need that...and that's the beauty of travelling alone and for as long as I want to. Since I'm staying at the same camp site tonight, i'm going to try the Martha's Vineyard plan tomorrow.

So, after plenty of relaxing time this morning I went out for brunch at a little bagel shop off the bike path. I must be getting closer to "normal people land" instead of touristville cus my breakfast sandwich was only $4 instead of the ridiculously overpriced breakfasts I've been seeing. Yay! My plan was then to walk around downtown Falmouth but I missed the turn (the bike path here, though beautiful, is NOT well marked!). By the time I realized I was going the wrong way I figured it was a sign that I should keep going down to the aquarium I had read about down at the end of the bike path.

It's hard to say if the detour was worth it. The ride was nice. Mom you'd like this bike went right along the beach for a good junk of it. Of course that meant that little kids running around with their sand pails became a new hazard. The aquarium had pretty much the same stuff as the museum I went to yesterday, so not super exciting but free so it all works out. After the aquarium I went back and walked around downtown Falmouth for a bit. It was a nice little downtown, but with no desire to buy any clothes or souveniers or eat fancy food, there just wasn't much there. I did start getting hungry and decide to have dinner downtown rather than dealing with finding a grocery store, shopping, and cooking something. (I'd had visions of cooking over a fire but boy that seemed like a lot of work!). I was looking for something simple and casual without much luck, but ended up at a fancy restaurant that also served less fancy burgers. I felt a little weird going in there in my sweaty shorts and t-shirt, but oh well. It was pretty empty when I went in, but by the time I left the place was packed with a line out the door! The food was good, but they didn't have any mountain dew, dr. pepper, or ranch dressing for the fries. I mean really....a restaurant without ranch dressing?! Seriously people!

After dinner I rode back up to my campsite, bringing my mileage total for the day up to about 15. The campground got a lot more crowded while I was gone. I now have neighbors on both sides of me, which is odd considering how small the sites are. It reminds me of those tight city blocks with no room for a yard between houses. We're like a weird little tent city. On the downhill side of me is a maybe 30 year old couple who got here this morning. On my uphill side is a group of four ppl in a tent just a little smaller than the one I'm sleeping in by myself. The group is made of 3 guys and a girl, who based on accents appear to be Australian. Apparently they're on the same wavelength as me because as soon as their tent was set up they jumped back in the car and left to go out to dinner. Across the (very narrow) road from me is a large group of deaf people. They actually showed very quietly (go figure) yesterday evening but I didn't notice until this morning that they were all signing. I did wonder why they had such ridiculously bright flashlights out along with their campfire, but I guess they needed to see in order to sign. I have to admit it's strange having them there because not only are they speaking a language I don't understand but they're doing it without making a sound. The only audible noise I hear from them is laughter, so I find myself getting self concious when I'm out doing something and suddenly I hear them all laughing. It's like they're whispering secrets about me, even though I know they're not. (Ok maybe they are, but I would guess they have far more interesting things to talk about!) I considered going over to say hi but I don't know if they lip read and I don't know anywhere near enough sign to actually talk to them. And it'd probably look rude to just walk over and wave! Yeah I guess I'll just stick to my own site.

I guess that's about all for now...though I'm sure I'll come up with more to say as soon as I shut the computer down. This camp site has a nice little area to get online but it's on the opposite side of the grounds from me and there's lots of people coming in and out so it's super distracting. I'm also just realizing that I forgot to bring a flashlight with me and once it's dark, it's REALLY dark here! Better go!

Oh wait one more thing....I forgot to add from a couple of days ago. When I was in P-town I went to this_monument. Most people (including myself until a few days ago) don't know that P-town is where the Mayflower first landed. Anywho....I climbed to the top of it, which was exhausting but the view was incredible. If I knew how to put pictures up I would. Ok. That is all. :)

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