Friday, September 4, 2009

Looking back

So as long as I'm posting about where I am tonight...I might as well say a little about where I've been up until now. I'm sure most anyone who would be reading this knows this already, but I spent the summer at the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, CT. It was one hell of an experience. It's something so big I really don't know how to put it into words just yet, except to say that it was amazing, and one of the hardest, most intense jobs I've ever had. I don't think I've ever put so much of myself, physically, mentally, and emotionally into something before. It was totally worth it though and I think what it has given to me I'll still be realizing a long time down the road. What I know is that I feel extremely blessed to have been given the chance to experience so many amazing kids, amazing people, and an amazing place. I wish everyone could have a chance to meet "my kids" and see what incredible strength, character, and wisdom they have through so many challenges. I have definitely been inspired.

After many teary good-byes when camp came to a close, I went up to Coyote Hill Mountain Biking Camp in Vermont for their women's weekend. Even though I was the only woman who actually showed up, I had a great time there and was so glad I went! I rode a lot and got to learn about bike mechanics and on the trail fixes. The people who ran the camp were great both as coaches and just people to hang out with, and the food they cooked was AMAZING! It was homecooked, locally grown, and some of the best food i've eaten in a long long time. I think if nothing else I'd go back there again just to eat!

On sunday night after lots of biking, I drove down to Boston to meet up with my parents. I'm still so amazed that my parents actually came out to see me. It takes A LOT to get them to travel! But they came to Boston and I got to show them camp, and then we went out to the Cape together. We ate lots of good food, walked on some beaches, and biked on the bike trail. Good times were had by all, and I miss having them here.

After they left I went to Provincetown (aka P-Town) at the very tip of the Cape. P-town is one of the biggest GLBT centers in the country, so walking around there was pretty awesome. Heck I enjoyed even just hanging out in the supermarket! The main street is decked out in rainbow flags everywhere, and there's some amazing stores. I even saw a local hotel preparing for its Miss (insert hotel name I can't remember) paegent. Though I'm pretty sure not a single one of those contestants was born a miss! lol

After that I went back to my campsite in Eastham and did lots and lots of laundry, and then went to bed....which brings us up to my last post. I'm really looking forward to this seeing where I end up and to hopefully giving my brain a chance to process this summer and get caught up with life in general. I'm sooooo far behind on everything...especially being in touch with ppl! But now in theory I have all the time in the world...though it still seems like there's not enough time in the day for everything I want to do! I think I'm going to stay at this camp site for a couple of days so I can have some time to relax.

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