Sunday, September 20, 2009

From my hotel room! Yay!

So this is my 3rd night in this same town (Burlington) and I have yet to come up with a snazzy nickname for it. When I lived in Birmingham it was, B-ton? Nah, doesn't have the right ring to it. Burlington is just such an arduous name.

Anyway, I finally have my hotel room and I LOVE it! It's a silly little motel but it is so beyond perfect for me right now. My own bed, my own space....Don't know how I'm going to convince myself to leave it! I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm just done with this whole road tripping thing. I still like it in theory but I just feel exhausted all the time. I mean if what I really want to do is sit in a motel room, that's a bad sign! Hopefully I can come up with some sort of workable plan.

As for today, it was interesting. Another one of those days where I didn't do much but it went by fast. But I gotta start with last night. I finally decided to camp again because I kept hearing how it was going to be way warmer today. Then, as I was driving to the campground I hear on the radio that there's another frost advisory. Ugh. But at this point I'm already committed and it's late so I gotta just go for it. So I put on every layer of clothing I have, which includes pj pants, a long sleeve t-shirt, a hoodie, thick socks, a fleece blanket inside my sleeping bag, and an extra blanket on top. The extra blanket on top didn't really do much (except fall off almost instantly) but I wanted to do everything I could and there was no room for a second blanket inside. I actually stayed pretty warm. I didn't realize just how cold it was until the morning when I got up and was packing my stuff. My fingers started to go numb almost instantly. It wasn't exactly frost I saw on my tent when I got up, but it was a very very cold form of dew. Most everything in my car was either frozen or close to it. It did start warming up pretty quickly once the sun came up.

Once I was packed up and checked out I went in to town to a breakfast place that I'd been hearing about since I got here. It's called Skinny Pancakes and they make all sorts of amazing crepes. I had one filled with nutella, strawberries, and bananas, with powdered sugar and whipped cream on top that was one of the best things I've ever eaten! Sooooo good. Unfortunately though, it took forever. Like last Sunday, I had been thinking about going to a church service in one of the cool old churches. I'm still feeling rather low in the spirituality and connectedness department, so I thought it'd be fun. I ended up missing the service where I'd wanted to go, but there was a Unitarian service starting later. I'm normally not very interested in Unitarian services but I figured what the heck. It was moderately interesting, but not really.

After that I went and sat in a bookstore for a while. I had planned on buying a book but got there and realized I didn't really want the book since I already have a big stack of books I want to read. But I still sat in the bookstore for about at least an hour, because I just love book stores.

By that point it was getting close to lunch. At breakfast I had had a really hard time deciding between the sweet and the savory crepes, and since I had had such great luck with the sweet I thought I'd try a savory for lunch. Yes, I went to the same place twice in one day. Though the second time I went to their little stand along the outdoor mall which was a whole lot faster. (The restaurant had started as just a little stand but got so popular it turned in to a full and very popular restaurant). For lunch I had a whole wheat crepe with chicken, pesto, and yummy Vermont cheese. Not sure what it is that makes the cheese here so incredible but it really is good.

So then I went out to get my hotel room...and sure enough hotels really are about $100 cheaper on weeknights than weekend. Crazy! Unfortunately my room wasn't ready yet, but that gave me time to go find a laundromat and do laundry. I haven't done laundry in a long time, and camping makes everything really really dirty, so it's great to be starting clean again. Of course now I have a whole stack of things to fold. The downside of laundry.

I brought all my clean clothes back to my hotel room, and have been just hanging out and loving it ever since. I ordered pizza for dinner from a place called Bite Me Organic Pizza, which was once again amazing. I got a pizza with broccoli, sun-dried tomatoes, and carmelized onions and was really, truly sad when I got full because it just tastes so good. I think I could move to this town for the food alone!

And finally...a report on my product testing..... The roll up and save your puzzles thing... It doesn't work. At all. The parts that were already together held up ok, but nothing else stayed where it was. The instructions say to make sure no pieces are on top of each other, which is a rather annoying task but I did it...but when I opened it up everything had gathered in little piles on top of each other. Plus I've already found one loose piece in my car. In the products defense, it would probably do fine to stick in a closet for a few days, but it's really not made for bouncin' around in the back of my car. That said, it's REALLY fun to travel with a puzzle. Of course, with how addicted to puzzles I get it's probably not a good thing. Like tonight, I'd planned on going to bed early but it's already 11:30. Time flies with a good puzzle! Eek!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog entries about restaurants you've been to/meals you've had ALWAYS sound so good & make me hungry! I need to get more creative. Yet, what I'm thinking about right now is a plain old boring grilled cheese sandwich...

    Weird how it's been so cold there; the temperature here has just gone up, and it's actually humid. Supposed to be near 80 again later this week. Weird, since tomorrow is the first day of fall...

    I'm glad you finally got a hotel room; sounds like what you needed to recharge yourself. I've not camped for more than a few days at a time, but I would imagine it gets old after a while.

    Too bad the puzzle thing doesn't work; it sounded like a good idea. Then again, maybe one of those ideas that's too good to be true. Oh, btw, when you finally finish it, if you want to save it, that stuff that sticks it together does work. At least, my mom said it did for one of hers.
