Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Schenectady (did I spell it right, Dad?), NY

So, at the risk of sounding really repetitive, today was another day of doing very little and failing miserably at making any sort of distance.

I got out of my hotel this morning way later than planned. The building was making lots of strange noises that kept waking me up during the night, so I didn't sleep well and had a really hard time getting going.

Once on the road I headed to Saratoga Springs. As I was heading in to town I got a call from Andrew from Americorps, which was awesome. I was hoping to get to see him while in NY but I'm too much of a wuss about driving through the city to get to where he is. But it was great to talk to him and catch up a bit.

On to Saratoga Springs. My book made this town sound a lot more exciting than it actually was. But it was a good place to get lost for a bit. Ok a long time. But eventually I figured out where I was and found a few things to see. I went to "historic Congress Park." This park had tons of random springs all over it with stories of how they'd been discovered and fancy little buildings or displays around them. Very...odd... A few of them you could drink from. That made me nervous until I realized there was probably more crap on my hand (that I was drinking from) then there could be in the water. Still felt really really odd to be walking around a park taking drinks though...I didn't hang out for too long! lol

After that I went to the National Museum of Dance, which was huge and surprisingly interesting. It made me want to 1. go see another Broadway musical and 2. take dance lessons. Of course then I remember my complete and utter lack of rhythm and decide against number 2. I'd love to be able to dance well but I don't think that will EVER happen!

I spent quite a bit of time at the museum before I finally headed to Schenectady. I managed to head out right as the area schools were getting out though and the little two lane road I was on was VERY clogged with school busses. Slow going to say the least. One of the downsides of backroads instead of the interstate.

Anyway, when I finally got to Schenectady I got to go play stalker a bit and see the house where my dad grew up as well as the building I think was his school. I went to take a picture of the house and a bunch of people came outside. So I introduced mysef, had a somewhat awkward conversation with them, but then they agreed to let me wander around and take pictures. They offered me a tour of the inside as well but I figured that'd be a bit too much since that wouldn't mean a whole lot to me w/out my dad there. The real stalkeresque part came when I was taking pictures of the building I think was his school. It's now a daycare and there were lots of little children outside. Not that I looked too particularly scary, but I still took off fast before any parents could question me.

I had planned to head on to a hostel in Albany after that, but I kept hearing over and over again on the radio about how traffic in Albany everywhere was horrible. Without knowing the roads there or really knowing where the hostel was I figured it wasn't worth it to enter in to that. So, luckily for me there was a Schenectady hotel in my magic little book of hotel discounts. That book really is amazing....apparently this place is normally close to $80 and I'm here for $50. Yay!

No idea what my plans are for tomorrow. I'm kinda ready to get out of NY though. I'm realizing I'm not a huge fan of this state. I kinda miss New England. Just different vibes there. (Sorry Dad!)

1 comment:

  1. So I always come to the end of your blog entries with a little smile on my face...and a little sadness that there's not more for me to read.

    I don't think I'd have remembered to hesitate to drink from the little springs. On the same road trip I've mentioned before, there were places on the road where there was fresh water coming down the rocks that you could drink from, and we did. Granted that was a long time ago, but it's still a fond memory that I'd like to be able to recreate.

    The museum sounds interesting -- and inspiring. Not sure anything would inspire me to want to dance (hated dance lessons as a kid. Well, maybe not tap, 'cause it made NOISE! lol!), but I certainly identify with the seeing a Broadway musical. Or really, even a good amateur musical...or even film!

    I am SO impressed that you talked to the people who live in your dad's old house. My mom & I often talk about going to the first house we lived in & knocking on the door and asking to see it. We've driven by, but have never had the guts to do it. I think it was good judgment about quickly leaving the school/day care, though. These days, people are just too paranoid, and seeing a young woman with a camera might've freaked them out, even though it was totally innocent.(((sigh)))
