Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big announcement!

Ok so maybe not a big announcement, but I am starting with an announcement. My blog has hit its first big milestone. I got a comment! Yay! Thanks Jody! (Oh and Jody, we'll just leave out that little part where I asked you to write one, k? Thanks. :)

Anyway...I checked through the settings and noticed it was set so that you had to log in to comment. It's now set so that anyone can comment....even anonymously (though I'd prefer to know who you are of course). So...who wants to be the lucky number 2 comment leaver? Who's it gonna be?


It's strange. When I'm away from tv and video games and that kind of stuff I really don't miss it, but boy get me next to it and it's hard to pull myself away! Yesterday was the first time in a while that I've had access to tv or to internet with enough time to actually surf beyond just taking care of business. I ended up spending hours watching tv shows and playing games online. Oops! Anyway, I left the hostel at about noon and managed to spend all the rest of the business hours getting my car fixed. Ugh. The good news is that after 3 seperate Honda parts people looked at my car they found that I do in fact have a jack. I was pretty sure I did, but the guy who helped me fix my flat looked at what I was looking at and said it wasn't a jack. Then two different Honda guys looked at it and said the same thing. Finally, as I was about to put in the order for a $100 replacement jack, a 3rd guy went out and looked at exactly what I'd been looking at and said "Oh your jack's right there." And he even knew the right place to unscrew to get it out. Yay! After all of that fun, I went to get a new tire since mine was not fixable. I ended up getting a full new set of tires which took about 2 hours to put on. I was finally ready to leave and realized they hadn't put my spare back on the back and had left me with my tire with the whole in it. So I went back in to have them do that, which apparently put me back in the line up because it took over a half hour to do what I would think should be a 5 minute task.

By the time I left there it was just after 5:00 and the Boston traffic had started in full force. I had planned to go back to the hostel and have dinner, but in trying to merge through traffic I ended up going right by the subway station. I decided it wasn't really worth it to go back to the hostel before the 7:05 Red Sox game so I just parked and went straight to the game. I thought I was going really early, but there were already huge crowds of fans EVERYWHERE! The good news is that it made it really easy to figure out which train to take to get there. The bad news was it was a very "friendly" subway ride and there was everywhere to go for dinner was packed with baseball fans. I grabbed some dinner at Qdoba, which was surprisingly empty....probably due to their lack of beer.

The Red Sox delivered quite a trouncing last night. 10-0. It was neat to see but not exactly exciting baseball. Pretty much everyone that got on base was either a walk or a homerun, so there was very little exciting baserunning, clutch plays or anything like that. For all the trouble the website gave me in getting tickets, there were actually quite a few empty seats. My seats were awesome. So good that I kept waiting for someone to come tell me that I was in the wrong section. But it never happened. I bought the second cheapest of what was available and was actually in the lower level, fairly close to the field.

Fenway park is really cool. I didn't fully appreciate it until I saw an ariel view of the park and realized just what a funny shape it is. It still has a big old fashioned (non-electronic) scoreboard and while the teams are switching a guy comes out of a little door in the wall and hangs up score updates for all the games going on around the league. I think I had as much fun watching him as I did watching the game!

I had planned to leave early to beat the rush to the subway, but ended up stopping at one of the souvenier shops for a bit on my way out. (Didn't buy anything...even the most basic shirt cost more than my $30 ticket!). I ended up leaving right about the time the game ended, so I was in a huge rush of people to the subway. At first I missed the turn off but saw a huge line and thought "wow I'm glad I'm not going THERE!" Then I realized that there was the subway and I had to go join the line. Ugh. They'd added a bunch of trains to help clear people out of the area, but they only went a few stops up. I ended up having to take a 3rd train to get back to where I was parked. Including the drive to the hostel it took nearly 2 hours.

So now today I still have quite a bit to accomplish before I go camping, so I'm not sure what my plan is going to be. No idea where I'll end up tonight. I guess we'll find out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, always glad to help you out by telling you what I'm thinking ;).

    Sorry to hear about your car, though. Brings back memories of when we went on a trip to Montana when I was a kid and my dad's new car broke down in Butte. Spent several days there at the Rose Motel, watching old t.v. reruns, going to the Four Bees restaurant for ALL our meals (to the point where we knew what we wanted when we walked in!) and walking down to the service station to watch them blow the gold nuggets out of the radiator when we got super bored.

    I think I'd have been interested in the guy changing the scoreboard, too. Somehow, whenever I go to a sporting event, something other than the game manages to catch my attention. in the Motor City, that's only a fast food restaurant. LOL!
