Monday, September 7, 2009

Soooo tired!

So last night pretty much sucked. The movie was good, but once it was over things went downhill fast. First off, it was FREEZING! I went to sleep wearing my usual very light pj's and woke up so cold I could barely move. Of course my extra warm stuff was in the car so I was stuck in that place of knowing that I would have to get colder in order to get warmer. I lay in my sleeping bag for a long time giving myself a pep talk before I finally made a run for it. Of course by that point I was wide awake. I decided to go plug in my camera battery charger in the bathroom. It was after 10 so I figured the bathroom wouldn't be getting much traffic. And besides, this was a campsite, where people leave bikes and other expensive things just laying around...who would mess with a battery charger? Yea famous last words/thoughts. I had actually planned on leaving the charger there 'till morning and going back to sleep, but I couldn't get to sleep due to the idiots at the site next to mine. They were a huge group who seemed completely oblivious to the fact that the rest of the world really didn't want to hear their conversations. To make it worse they kept cutting through my site while talking loudly. (Though I think one of the girls tripped on one of my tent stakes on the way by...hahaha evil laughter). To their credit they did try to quiet each other down when they went through my site...but it was the kind of "trying" where they yelled to each other to be quiet. Then they noticed my tent and stood next to it debating whether or not there was someone in there. Hmph. Smart ones they are. The funny thing was...I wanted to say something rude back to them about how there was someone in there that wanted them to shut the hell up, but the thought going through my exhausted brain was that it would take too much effort to open the door to talk to them. So I knew I could hear them but didn't realize that my voice would also carry through the fabric? Smart one I is. lol Anyway...since I hadn't fallen asleep yet I went back to the bathroom somewhere between 12:30 and 1 to retrieve my battery charger. And guess what. I bet you can all see where this story is going can't you? charger. Just when I was thinking how great ppl at camp sites tend to be.

So when all was said and done I fell asleep just after 1. I woke up wide awake at 6, and no matter how much coaxing I gave it, my body just would not fall back to sleep. I finally gave up at 7-something and went to take a shower. Got all ready to go, only to discover it was coin-operated. Hmmm...i've never seen a coin-operated shower before. I could tell it took quarters but there was nothing anywhere that said how much time you get for a quarter. So I went back to gather some change but could only find one quarter. I didn't want to risk it with just one, since I could see it turning off and leaving me soapy and SOL. It's strange...I have no problem going without a shower for days, but getting all ready to shower and not showering made me feel horribly dirty all of a sudden. All I could think about was how gross I was, even though I'd showered 2 days ago (which is pretty good when camping every night!). Thankfully as I was packing up I found a couple more quarters and raced back to the shower again. Turns out one quarter is 8 minutes so I finished with time to spare, but I'm still glad I didn't risk it.

Anyway...on to more exciting things than my shower! I drove in to Plymouth, did a quick sight seeing tour of the official Plymouth Rock (strange how much stuff is in place to protect a giant boulder!) and some of the cool historic buildings in town. Then at noon I was off for the whale watch.

The whale watch was really cool, though it required a lot more patience than I actually had. Most of the 4 hour trip was spent going out, coming back, and sitting around hoping to see whales. It was worth it though. We got to see I think 6 different ones, 2 of which were mother and calf who hung out right next to the boat for a long time. We got quite a show! It really is downright amazing just how huge whales are. They're so much fun to watch! I tried to get some pictures but my camera just really couldn't do them justice.

So the whales were awesome...the people on the boat with me, not so much. It amazes me just how obnoxious people can be...especially people on vacation who think they are far more important than anyone else. When I got on the boat the seats were already full, so I claimed a nice standing room corner and sat down to read until it was time to go. A bit later this woman and her 5 kids, ranging in age from about 1 to about 9 comes and stands in the same general area. No big deal until her kids start to spread out a bit and start climbing on me. Literally. One little boy starts using my leg as a stool to climb on so he can see better. So I stand up and tell him to knock it off and then the little girl next to him starts hopping up and down while standing on my foot. I ask her to stop and she moves...sort of...but the kids just keep crowding around even though they have plenty of their own space. I look to the mom for some help and she's completely oblivious. I finally had to move to another part of the boat because I got so tired of these kids running wild and the parents doing nothing. I found out later that there was a dad, grandma, and someone I think was an at least 4 adults doing NOTHING to contain these kids.

The obnoxiousness from everyone got much worse once we started seeing whales. The captain was great about turning the boat so that both sides got to see the whales, but most people took that as a competition to get the best view on both sides. As the boat turned people would sprint across the boat and shove through the crowd to get up front. I actually got shoved aside by a 40-something year old woman! People were pushing kids out of the way and just being downright rude about it. They apparently didn't grasp the whole wait your turn thing. At all. Ugh. As much as I liked seeing the whales, I was really really glad to get off that boat! By the end I was exhausted from lack of sleep, sunburned (even though I barely saw the sun all day), a little bit sea sick, and just irritated to the point I wanted to smack someone.

By the time I got off the boat I was so tired I actually looked up hostels in Plymouth but couldn't find anything. There were hotels, but I really didn't want to pay for a hotel. Initially I had looked in to some fun places to go for tonight, but since it was almost 5 it didn't make sense to go anywhere, since I wanted to be in Boston tomorrow. So I just drove to Boston and checked in at the same hostel I went to before camp started. It's strange, in many ways i'm doing the reverse of the road trip i did before camp now that it's after camp. It puts a nice little closing on things. The strange thing is, I'm in the exact same room on the same bed as last time (though on the bottom bunk this time). Let's just hope I don't lose my headlamp like last time!

I walked in on a roommate who was already sound asleep. Unfortunately she'd done the chain lock so I had to wake her up to let me in. She's asleep again now, which is nice because that somehow makes it ok for me to go to bed now too, even though it's only 9:15. After last night I'm ready for a good night's sleep. Oooh and tomorrow I get to take a shower that's not coin operated! Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I went whale watching in Hawaii a long time ago. I think we saw a couple whales breach, and it was a pretty amazing sight. I don't remember if we saw a lot of whales or not. Back then, people were pretty laid back -- or maybe, it was just that it was Hawaii. But I don't remember the pushing and shoving.

    It's terrible that you've run into such rude people; that takes the fun out of what should be really great experience. I can't believe they took your charger. But, I guess I can believe how rude they were outside your tent; seems people think if it's dark outside, they can't be heard.

    And 2 words of advice for future boating trips: Sea Bands. I have some, but I haven't needed them, as I don't get seasick. But i hear they work.

    Can't wait to see what you're up to tomorrow.
