Friday, September 18, 2009

burlington, vt....sort of

So before I get to today's event, I have a story to tell. Last night as I was getting ready for bed I had this weird feeling in my gut like something bad was going to happen. I had no idea why I was feeling that way but I was just a little freaked out, for some reason mainly related to wildlife fears. Usually I don't think too much about the animals that may or may not be in the woods ready to eat me, but last night I was worrying constantly about what if they smell the food I cooked, the little bit of food I spilled, etc. I told myself to quit worrying and go to sleep. This morning I hear through the grape vine (aka other campers near me) that there was a bear on the grounds early in the morning this morning. He was walking around the area where the tent campers usually are, and where I had almost requested to be because I didn't want to be in the big RV field. I went for the field when I found out I'd be the only person in a tent. So glad I did!

Speaking of bears, here's another story. Yesterday I was walking on a very touristy hiking trail....super wide and well grated, etc. It was pretty crowded and I ended up walking for a bit with this couple from New York. They were both initially from Europe (one from Germany, the other from Greece) but they'd lived in New York City for 40-something years and are now retired and travelling. We were joking (at least we think we were hindsight i'm not sure...I was joking) about whether we were on the right trail and if this was going to lead us out into the woods since it was so poorly marked. I said as long as it doesn't turn too backcountry-like I'm not worried. The guy replied with "and I hope the bears aren't too hungry!" or something like that. I, being a smart ass said, "well don't worry, I have a pocket full of snacks. I'll feed 'em. That's what you're supposed to do when you see a bear, right?" When I said that this woman looks at me dead serious and says "Oh really? I didn't know that." I guess I need to watch what I joke about! lol I then had to backtrack and explain why you shouldn't feed wildlife. I was tempted to keep the "yes you should feed the bears" thing going but I figured if I later read about her getting eaten by a bear I might feel a bit guilty.

So on to today. I finally managed to defrost myself by taking a hot shower. Though even after about 10 minutes in the shower under hot water I was only just starting to feel my feet. Thankfully tonight will be warmer! I got on the road and decided I wanted to go out to breakfast since I was heading into Vermont and wanted to experience some Vermont maple syrup. But, as I was heading in to Vermont and getting hungry, the only place around was this little truck stop diner. It was actually surprisingly good and I got to start the day with very yummy pancakes.

After that it was mostly just a straight shot to Burlington, though I finally found the rain that all these clouds have been holding. It was pouring for most of the trip. At least afterwards the sun came out. It's so nice to see the sun again! I think all the clouds have really been putting a damper on my mental health.

I had decided to splurge a bit and get a hotel when I got to Burlington. I just feel like I need to get indoors and sleep on a real bed and get some good sleep. Unfortunately, everybody else also wanted a hotel in Burlington this weekend. There is nowhere to stay that's not insanely expensive! Even the super budget places that look like they might fall apart are over $100. Turns out Burlington during the week is cheap...on a friday night not so much. So I'm out at a camp site and way out of town, and honestly a bit bummed out about it all. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next. Burlington is not nearly as fun as I remember (not that I've really explored it yet) when it's a more than 20 minute drive to get to anywhere. Hopefully I'll wake up well-rested tomorrow and feel more excited about going exploring. Or I might leave and come back another time.

Unfortunately camping is getting less and less fun. I liked camping a lot earlier on when camp sites were really happening places with lots to do and lots of people around. Now campsites are lots of old retired couples in their RV's, and I'm usually the only one in a tent. Just takes a lot of the fun out of it. I like being on my own, but this is really really on my own. Not to mention it's just really freakin cold! I'm looking in to hostels more but that makes me a lot less flexible about where I can stay and how far I have to go in a day. Again, hopefully this will all make more sense in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. About the bear -- OMG! And I guess that listening to your gut instincts about things is really important. I don't suppose the other campers could've been just been telling stories? In any case, I'm glad you chose the RV area, even if it wasn't exactly what you had in mind. I think I'd freak out if I were the only person in a large field.

    Funny about the other couple. I always forget that other people don't have the same kind of snarky sense of humor that I do, and I'm always surprised when they take some of MY smart ass comments seriously. Maybe it's all in the delivery -- or maybe there are people who don't have senses of humor.

    I never really thought about what campsites would be like in the off-season; I've only been a few times, and during the summer, so it was always full. I can imagine deserted campgrounds aren't very fun or welcoming places. I hope you're able to find hostels where you need them to be.
