Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bath, NH

So my post from last night didn't actually post. Not sure what's up with that. Thankfully it saved as a draft so I was able to post it now. Hopefully the whole post is there. A few things of interest that I forgot to add yesterday:

1. The hostel I stayed in looked almost exactly like my parents' house from the front.
2. A moose walked out in front of my car on the way to the hostel. I'd been wanting to see one ever since I started seeing the moose crossing signs and I finally got my wish. Thankfully he picked a safe distance to cross from so it wasn't scary...I actually sped up to try to get a better view of him up ahead.
3. I don't remember number 3. Must not be important. Maybe I'll remember later.

So on to today. Today was a strange of those where I felt like I wasn't doing much of anything and yet the time just kept passing faster. I didn't get nearly as far as I had wanted to. I guess that's the problem with me and scenic drives...I stop for EVERYTHING!

The drive was pretty cool though...I went to 4 more different waterfalls, hiked up this incredible gorge, hung out at a lake, and even got to see the New England Ski Museum. One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to add pictures to this blog to go along with descriptions. Though really the pictures just don't do it justice. But until I figure out how to add my own pictures, check out the photos section on this_page to see the gorge. It really was incredible.

The ski museum was also pretty awesome. They had some examples of some of the oldest wooden skis out there. They also happened to have a pin from Bridger Bowl (my little home resort for those that don't know) and a thing about the Bill Koch Youth Ski League (where I learned to cross country ski). Unfortunately I got there right as it was closing so I didn't get to see too much.

After I saw all I wanted to see for the day I found myself stuck in an area with no good camp sites around. Luckily I found this itty bitty little local road that got me to where I wanted to be. I got to watch the sunset through the golden leaves around me. Just gorgeous, though I was scared to death I was going to hit a moose every time I'd turn a corner and get the sun in my eyes!

So I finally made it to the camp ground I was aiming for. Unfortunately it's mostly an RV site...just a big flat it feels like I'm camped out in somebody's yard. To add to the fun it's right next to the highway. But it's plenty functional, and I get internet from my site, which is a plus. So here I sit next to the campfire typing away. Ah the wonders of modern technology...

In other very exciting news...I got a call from my brother today. He called to tell me that he proposed to his girlfriend of forever (at least it seems like they've been together for forever) so they're going to get married! Yay! Congrats Ben and Jenna! It's's one of those things I always assumed was going to happen at some point, but it still seems totally crazy that it's happening now. My brother, a married man! Who woulda thought? I really am excited about it and can't wait to hear more about the wedding plans. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were smart enough to save yesterday's entry as a draft; I'm rarely on top of things enough to do that. You'd think I'd have learned by now, with how many things I've lost...

    How cool about the moose! I'm not sure I've seen any, but I do remember seeing a buck run across the intersection by my sister's house, shortly before they built a Kindercare there! It was an amazing sight -- especially in the suburbs. (Since then, I've seen lots of deer around here, including a pack [is that the right term for a group of deer?] about a mile from my mother's condo!)

    I love the pictures of the gorge -- but yes, I'm sure your own are much better. Kinda makes me want to venture off the couch and go down to look at the lake! LOL.

    Congratulations to your brother! That's wonderful news. And you'll get to be a sister-in-law! I know I've enjoyed that status.
