Thursday, October 8, 2009

St. Louis, MO

Another non-interesting day today. But don't worry. I won't let you, my wonderful readers, down. I'll find a way to provide you with some interesting reading. Or I'll just write a whole lot about nothing to make myself happy, and you all can deal with it however you decide. Interesting options here.

As Jody pointed out on her comment to my yesterday's post, I was up late last night blogging. Well not just blogging. I was also watching Ghost Whisperer online, getting the crap scared out of myself, watching funny youtube videos to lighten the mood before going to sleep, and then watching more youtube videos just for fun (and possibly minor addiction) before finally going to sleep. So, it was most definitely not an early start this morning.

I had again looked in to seeing a show this morning, but nothing really jumped out at me as all that interesting. Instead I just got up and got on the road. Everything was completely socked in with clouds again, and right as I was leaving it started absolutely pouring. It's hard to feel motivated to do anything when it's raining that hard. It's also hard to believe that yesterday I was taking a nap in the sunshine and there was not a cloud in the sky anywhere. I found myself feeling my sunburn a few times today just to make sure yesterday was real. Unfortunately the sunburn is very real, painful, and makes me look really, really goofy, but I'm so so glad I took the time to enjoy the sun while it was here!

I got on the highway heading north towards Springfield. I saw a series of a billboards advertising a restaurant featuring "fun food" and "the only home of throwed rolls." These billboards were all kind of crazy and fun-looking, and I did need to eat, so I figured I'd give it a shot. The restaurant, Lambert's Cafe in the town of Ozark, was ridiculous and amazing! It was like the southern/midwestern version of Rodizios (my favorite restaurant in Denver). You order whatever you want off the menu, like normal, but then they also have "pass arounds". These are sides that are brought around to your table....similar to Rodizios except instead of fancy meats these are things like fried okra, black eyed peas, and mac & cheese. I got a hamburger steak, which was a giant burger covered with gravy, onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes. It said it was served on a skillet, and sure enough it came out in a GIANT skillet, complete with the big long handle and everything. It would've been plenty of food for two without any of the sides. Then, everyone who brought a side would put a giant spoonfull on the plate and then ask, "is that enough?" My mountain of food kept growing at incredible rates. And my dr. pepper came in a giant plastic trucker-sized mug, as did my water, so I had one for each hand. And then, the best part of it all. A guy would come down the middle aisle of this very large dining area shouting "hot rolls!" If you raise your hand the guy will fling one too you. The floor was of course littered with missed catches, but the guy definitely had a good arm. I have a feeling he's done it before. So, while I'm still bothered by the phrase "throwed rolls," I greatly enjoyed my ridiculous and hilarious lunch experience. Wow I really should be a restaurant critic! :)

From there I got on the interstate towards St. Louis. Oh rural interstate how I have so so so not missed you! It was slow going due to the absolutely pouring rain, and the idiots were back out in full force causing wrecks everywhere. There were flash flood watches and warnings everywhere. I realized that I have no idea what one is supposed to do for a flash flood warning, except for stay off the roads that are closed and not go out and pitch a tent. I really do want to camp more, but it's not going to happen in this weather!

Because of all the crappy weather and traffic, I made it to St. Louis right at rush hour. St. Louis had been having it's own share of crappy weather all day, so traffic was even worse than normal. St. Louis is also crazy geographically. There's like 5 different highways all coming in from different directions and meeting in one little central area. I knew traffic was going to be bad, and I should've stopped earlier, but I really wanted to make a bit more distance. As I got close it seemed the one highway I needed was still moving ok so I went for it. Traffic wasn't awful but it just kept raining harder and harder. The clouds were so thick it looked like the middle of the night at 5:00! I was completely over it at that point and took the first exit with hotels and found one. It worked out well as I found one of the nicest hotels I've stayed in for the same price as most of the others. I feel much better being able to sit down and relax instead of stressing out in the rain, and judging by the creek in the parking lot turning into a raging river outside my window, it wasn't getting any better on the highway! I've got a fair amount of driving to do tomorrow to get to Chicago, but it's doable. Unfortunately it's not looking like I'm going to see the sun tomorrow either. Go away stupid clouds! It's a really really good thing I don't live somewhere like Seattle! It's funny, before this trip I always wondered what the super high speed setting on my wipers was for. Today I almost never got it off that setting. I want to go back to where it's dry!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your loyalty to supply me with my bedtime reading. Not sure I'll know how to go to sleep again if/when you stop blogging. LOL ;)

    That restaurant sounds great! I've never heard of any thing like that. I like silly places like that. Kind of reminds me of the Farrell's Ice Cream Parlors of days gone by, when someone would order a Zoo, and the wait staff would run around the restaurant with it. It was always quite a sight when they dropped it. Didn't happen often, but it did occur. But, if you're going to be a restaurant critic, you need to talk about the quality of the food, too, not just the atmosphere! So was it good?

    You really have had some bad luck with driving lately. I hate idiot drivers. I don't know why they think they're invincible and that the weather conditions don't apply to them. Makes me nuts. Maybe that's why I stay inside too much.

    Yeah, it is really weird when the weather changes so suddenly like that. Does that here a lot, even in one day! It's almost good that you got the sunburn (except for the pain & it being funny looking, of course), just as proof that you'd actually seen the sun. And I think the weather in general has been really in the last year or so -- like so many other things. Wonder if it's related at all? But I know we had a really cool summer; only got into the 90s a couple times, and mostly, it stayed in the 70s. Not that I'm complaining. (And am I really commenting about WEATHER?)
