Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lazy day

Jody and I didn't sleep much last night. At all. We had to make the most of our final night together.

We had to get up fairly early to get Jody to the airport. Well, early considering that the sun was about to start coming up as we finally went to sleep. So yeah, I was a bit worn out today. :) And we were both sad to have our trip coming to an end. It was a sad drive to the airport, and we both admitted harboring secret thoughts about maybe the flight would be cancelled. Of course it wasn't, and I now know she made it home safely, which is good. Though I think we're both feeling a bit strange and solitary after being together 24/7 for the last week.

Once I dropped Jody off, I realized I had no idea what to do next. It was only about 10:00 and all I could think of was taking a nap. But I had nowhere to go to nap, since it was too early to check in to my hotel. I ran a few errands and then decided to try to check in early. Thankfully, they had a room ready! Yay!

It's strange being back here again. I have almost the same room as last time. I think I'm actually immediately below my last time room. Same great view of "recess" at the doggy daycare across the parking lot. I have such distinct memories of this place because it's where I stayed between classes during field quarter. It's even where I slept in, missed the departure for one of the field quarter classes, and almost got kicked out of the whole field quarter. That was such a bad time in my life. I mean field quarter was awesome but that was right in the heat of when I was really struggling with school and life in general. Thankfully, it was also then that I found my wonderful academic advisor and wonderful doctor that got me out of my slump.

Anyway, my room is wonderful, and after checking in I had a quick lunch (leftovers from Teds) and then took a looooooong nap. Once awake and feeling a bit more alive and functional, I took care of a few more errands. And I've got to put in a BIG plug for REI here.

One of my errands was to take my broken tent poles in to REI to see if they could help me out. I just brought in the tent poles and the box, and they asked me why I didn't bring the rest of the tent. I told them the rest of the tent was fine, I just needed replacement poles. So they sent me down to the rentals area to see if they had extra poles. No luck, so they had me go get the tent and they replaced the whole thing! No questions. Brand new tent even though I originally bought it close to 2 years ago. The only difference was that because it was more than a year after purchase (I didn't need the receipt since they had it on record since I'm an REI member), the return value was decreased. But only slightly. So in the end I got a brand spankin' new tent for $25. How strange is that....to finish up an almost 2 month camping road trip and come out of it with a brand new tent?! My last one was getting VERY grimey just from dust/dirt, mud from the rain storms, and tons and tons of sap. So yeah....BIG props to REI! I know there's cheaper places out there to buy outdoor gear, but there's a good reason to work with the people who know the stuff and will work with you.

After REI and a bit of car cleaning, it was dinner time. I had initially planned to just pick up food, but instead decided to take advantage of the hotel room kitchen. It's been a long time since I've been able to cook, so it was really fun. My body was clearly craving veggies, so I ended up making spaghetti with meat sauce, broccoli, and mushrooms, with corn and green beans on the side. It was really great to eat so much fresh stuff, and get to do something as simple as cooking it myself. It'll definitely be nice to be not on the road anymore.

My dinner was awesome, and now it's bedtime. Despite the nap I can barely keep my eyes open!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you're definitely right about feeling sad (I added that part) & solitary & strange -- it's been a rough couple days for me, compounded by my lack of sleep. I did sleep pretty well last night, but was oh so sad to awaken at home, with only my cats here.... I do wish airport security was such that you could've come into the airport with me, like people did in the olden days before 9/11, but I also think we needed that transition time. Not good form to walk onto a plane in full out sobs. Although, I have been known to do it.

    I'm glad they had a room ready for you early. I must say that I was amazed that, out of all the places we stopped, only one didn't have a room, and that one turned out to be way too creepy. (Ok, 2, if you want to count that La Quinta next to Perkins.)

    I don't think you ever explained to me what "field quarter" is; maybe I need to fly back out there so you can tell me. Or, maybe, IMing will have to do. ;) Funny that there's actually a subject we missed; I thought we'd talked about everything.

    You had your Ted's leftovers for lunch...I had mine for dinner. Yeah, I brought them all the way from Colorado to Michigan. I didn't want it on the plane. So, I got to have another vacation dinner at home. :)

    That is amazing that REI practically gave you a new tent. Some stores do have wonderful return policies and warranties. And now, you're all set for the next camping trip -- and if it's warm, maybe I can tag along again.;)

    I wish I'd realized how much you'd wanted to cook; we certainly could've done that. I just thought it was easier to go out. (Although, really, I'm not much a fan of microwaved meals. And the one time we would've really cooked was when we had the good barbecue. So I guess I'm not THAT sad about not cooking.)

    I spent my day taking care of what absolutely needed to be done, then I went to the movies & to a new Aldi store. Yeah, I needed some veggies, too. The new store is not nearly as depressing as the old one. I wonder if they're closing that one. And, I got some really good deals, so I'm wondering if they were actually grand opening or sale prices. Can't complain, though; got a gallon of milk for $1 (granted, a quart would've been enough for me, but they only sell gallons), baby carrots for 47 cents, head lettuce for 49 cents. (Don't worry, I got Romaine, too. Just couldn't pass up the bargain lettuce. ;) ) And frozen asparagus spears! I don't think I've ever seen them before! Sorry, no artichokes, though. :(

    I know you're glad to be done with the road trip thing; you've been travelling for a really long time. And, I know I've said it a thousand (or more!) times already, but I'm really glad you let me be a part of it. I will miss reading your blogs, however. They've become part of my nighttime routine. And you know how I am about change... ;)
