Thursday, October 1, 2009

Richmond, VA

I think I might actually be writing my first short blog entry. Maybe. Though I'll probably find a way to make it long. But it's late and I'm sleepy and I didn't do much today. Here goes.

Julie and I hung out talking for a long time this morning. Until morning turned in to afternoon actually. That left me very little time to drive, which was actually good because I had very little idea of where I was heading. But I figured heading west would be a safe bet, since basically everything is west of where I was.

I made it as far as Richmond when I realized that I was hungry, and also that I hadn't yet gotten my prescriptions filled. I ended up in downtown Richmond, which was nice but there was a lack of quick food and pharmacies. I finally found a Burger King and a Walgreens on what I thought was the way I was headed. However while I was waiting for my meds I started checking maps and realized that while I was heading on the most direct route, I was about to put myself in a place where there was nowhere to stay that I could afford. It was already getting pretty late, so I didn't want to drive too far and I didn't want to end up camping since I really needed the internet to make plans.

So I checked my hotel book and there were of course no hotels anywhere near me. I did find a great price on a hotel not too terribly far from me, but there wasn't really a direct route. So I got a pretty full tour of Richmond. I came in from the southeast, started to leave to the west, and ended up going way north for the hotel. But now I'm settled in in a great little hotel, and best of all, there's a Waffle House right across the street. Yaaaaay! And I think I'm far enough south for Waffle House to reach it's true glory and amazingness. I'm really really excited to go there tomorrow morning. Sad, but true. Ever since my time in Mississippi and Alabama, Waffle House just makes me happy.

Boy it must be a slow day if that's the most exciting news I've got. I looked in to going to DC tomorrow but can't find a single hostel with space available. Strange because when I checked last time there was lots of availability. I'm wondering if it might be something that you can't book online if it's too close to the actual date. I plan to call in the morning, but if I can't find somewhere to stay there I'll be headed to my parents' house. I think it's about time for my travel to come to an end. There's so much more I want to see but I'll just have to take another trip some time. I still plan to make a few little detours along the way, but mostly i'll be on the interstate just making distance back home. Unless of course something new comes up. Ya just never know!


  1. So YAY, I was able to find your blog without my own computer! A rather amazing feat, if I do say so myself.

    Funny how talking to friends can make time pass so quickly. I actually love when that happens. Of course, it does make me think of other things I "should" have been doing.

    Waffle House, huh? I've heard of them, and we once had one here, but I don't think I've ever been to one. Since it's long gone from here, I guess I'll have to do some travelling to get to one some day. We don't get a lot of the popular chains here. Pretty sad that I get excited when things like Walmart and Sonic finally appear.

    I hope you were able to make it to DC. I only saw it once, in the middle of the night, while driving through. I did get a cool picture of the Lincoln Memorial, though.

    It does sound like the time for you to head west has come. But I hope you continue to blog about your journey; you do seem to find some pretty cool things along the way.

  2. Richmond huh? You didn't get very far! LOL I'm so glad you were able to come by... it was awesome spending time talking with you. I wish I had been a little better prepared...(like having actual food in the pantry!)

    I pray you have safe travels home, can't wait til you figure out how to post pictures!! Take care of yourself and keep in touch. You have an awesome world full of adventures waiting for you!

    Love ya Lace!!

  3. I'm sure you fed Lacey better than I did; I gave her macaroni & cheese from a box & threw some tuna in it to make it look like I'd done something! LOL!
